Here’s a snapshot
of some reading that I’ve resonated with over the past few years, part of my
winding path of faith and thought.
progressive or disaffected Christian scholars and authors, many of whom have
abandoned traditional dogma altogether:
Richard Holloway
Doubts and Loves: what is left of
Godless Morality: keeping religion out of ethics
Don Cupitt
Taking Leave of God
Emptiness & Brightness
Way to Happiness: a theory of religion
Lloyd Geering
Re-imagining God: the faith journey of a modern
Christianity without God
Tomorrow’s God: how we create our worlds
Thom Stark
The Human Faces of God: what Scripture reveals when
it gets God wrong, and why inerrancy tries to hide it
John Spong
Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism
Harvey Cox
The Future of Faith
John McQuiston
Christianity without Superstition
biblical scholars, some who have remained in the church while others have left:
Dale Allison Jr
The Historical Christ and the Theological Jesus
of Nazareth: millenarian prophet
Constructing Jesus: meaning, imagination, and
Resurrecting Jesus: the earliest Christian tradition and its
Marcus Borg
Putting Away Childish Things: a tale of modern
The First Christmas; The Meaning of Jesus: two visions (together with N.T.Wright)
The Heart of
Christianity: rediscovering a life of faith
Jesus: uncovering the life,
teachings, and relevance of a religious revolutionary
Bart Ehrman
How Jesus Became God: the exaltation of a Jewish
preacher from Galilee
Jesus: apocalyptic prophet of the new millennium
Jesus Exist? The historical argument for Jesus of Nazareth
Forged: writing in
the name of God-why the bible’s authors are not who we think they are
Peter Enns
The Evolution of Adam: what the bible does and doesn’t
say about human origins
The Bible Tells Me So: why defending Scripture has
made us unable to read it
20th century theologians:
Paul Tillich
Systematic Theology, Vols. 1-3
Dynamics of Faith
John Macquarrie
Principles of Christian Theology
Maurice Wiles
Faith and the Mystery of God
A Shared Search: doing theology with one’s friends
Garrett Green
Theology, Hermeneutics and Imagination
God: theology and the religious imagination
Roger Haight
Dynamics of Theology
The Future of Christology
Jesus: symbol of God)
Ted Peters
God: the world’s future
and philosophers of religion:
Wilfred Cantwell Smith
What is Scripture? A comparative
Towards a World Theology; Faith and Belief
John Hick
The Fifth Dimension: an exploration of the spiritual
The Metaphor of God incarnate: Christology in a pluralistic age
Karen Armstrong
The Case for God
A History of God
Loyal Rue
Religion is Not about God: how spiritual traditions nurture biological nature and what to expect when they fail
Nature is
Enough: religious naturalism and the meaning of life
Everybody’s Story: wising
up to the story of evolution
Robert Bellah
Religion in Human Evolution: from the Paleolithic to
the axial age
Daphne Hampson
After Christianity
Terry Eagleton
Culture and the Death of God
Hope without Optimism
Terry Eagleton
Culture and the Death of God
Hope without Optimism
John Loftus
Why I Became an Atheist: a former preacher rejects Christianity
The Christian Delusion: why faith fails
Why I Became an Atheist: a former preacher rejects Christianity
The Christian Delusion: why faith fails
Kenneth W. Daniels
Why I Believed: reflections of a former missionary
Why I Believed: reflections of a former missionary
Daniel Dennett and Linda LaScola
Caught in the Pulpit: leaving belief behind
Caught in the Pulpit: leaving belief behind
– some popular or notorious, others thoughtful and generous:
Friedrich Nietzsche
Human, All Too Human
Robert Price
The Incredible Shrinking Son of Man
The Reason
Driven Life
Walter Kaufmann
The Faith of a Heretic
Critique of Religion and
Andre Comte-Sponville
The Book of Atheist Spirituality
Little Treatise on the Great Virtues
Thomas Nagel
Mind & Cosmos: why the materialist neo-Darwinian
conception of nature is almost certainly false
Eric Maisel
The Atheist’s Way: living well without gods
And of
course, many works by Ricoeur and about Ricoeur, of which I’ll only mention a
Paul Ricoeur
The Symbolism of Evil
The Conflict of
Freud & Philosophy: an essay on interpretation
From Text
to Action
Time and Narrative, Vol.1-3
Oneself as Another
Theory: discourse and the surplus of meaning
Figuring the Sacred: religion,
narrative and the imagination)
Dan Stivers
Theology after Ricoeur: new directions in
hermeneutical theology
Ricoeur and Theology
Richard Kearney
Anatheism: returning to God after God
Kevin J. Vanhoozer
Biblical Narrative in the Philosophy of
Paul Ricoeur: a study in hermeneutics and theology